Nobody said this was going to be easy

To those those of you who follow Amperstand's progress, apologies for the lack of updates over the past few months. I can assure you that silence doesn't mean lack of progress. In fact we have done much in the background over the past few months to establish the business and product.

Most recently, we were in Hong Kong, visiting the school and the namesake for our prototype desk, Brewster. It was great seeing the KS teachers and families. Congratulations on the new Assembly Hall. The trivia night was a lot of fun, we hope to do it annually.

Speaking of Brewster, he's been in the wars, and is currently having some work done to have him ready for meetings next week. It's easy to forget that he's a prototype, and prototypes break, that's why they are a part of the lifecycle of a product. We have learned much from the exercise. Better now than further down the track.

Next steps for us are to solicit feedback from further schools, refine the design, then manufacture another prototype/sample. That should put us in the position to be able to decide on manufacturing partners and part suppliers.

Finally, please share our story with your friends, family and colleagues. 2018 is just around the corner and shaping up as the year we will showcase our hard work to the world.

Jonathan Brunello
